"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Treat night

Genevieve cleaned the pumpkin out of seeds after I cut the top.  This part I do not like but she does it in a flash.    I wish Adalyn had been here but she was in school.  Both girls are going trick or treating tonight.
Not totally sure what this look is.  I do know that she said the pumpkin was soapy.  I think she means slimy but soapy is better.  Interesting how she associated that slippery mess with soapy.
She got this done in no time flat

Some little ornaments around the yard.

Lit pumpkin in my petunia pot

Miss having Adalyn in the picture, but she's in school and will be at home trick or treating.  I will try to get her picture next to it tomorrow.

I did get a picture of the girls dressed for Halloween tonight.
Happy Halloween

Monday, October 29, 2018

Good Monday Morning

Up early.  Got things to take care of today but first some good ole orange juice and a slice of quiche for breakfast.
I used 4 eggs, heavy whipping cream, half and half. Tab of butter, marbled colby and white cheese with some sun dried tomato.  My favorite spice always is dill. Oh yes, dill went in there along with salt, pepper with nutmeg sprinkled on top. 

Gosh it was good. 

Took this shot the other day of my front yard with tree shadows on the lawn. Well, I say lawn, but it's a lot of weeds too. 
Lovely watering cans spread about.

Happy Monday

Sunday, October 28, 2018

An invasive weed that is pretty and I am leaving it.

My daughter Annette informed me that the plant I was curious about in last post is called redshank or commonly called lady thumb. It is a wild edible that is on the list of invasive weeds because it is not grass. She said in the middle of the leaf  is a purple to black shevronish mark that looks like a thumb print. Thanks Annette.  They are an invasive species I like and Genevieve likes to pick them and bring inside.

Looks like little beads on the stems, very colorful

A few pics of B'day

A week ago the grand girls along their  mom and dad brought me a birthday cake and so delicious it was.
A sponge frosted with a whipped cream icing and fresh blueberries with strawberries filled between the layers.  Almond flavored, my favorite flavor.

First we enjoyed home made soup.  Yes, the pot was full before I shot this.

It was, as the balloon says.

Girls painted this sculpture.  I love the colors they chose.

not sure where to  hang this yet, but its a metal sculpture from Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden shop.  Steve gifted me this.  Love it!

along with a reindeer for Christmas display. I will probably place him on a bed of snow on my mantle.

Miranda brought me these beautiful flowers and today being the 28th, a week later, they are still beautiful.

My friend Jennifer gifted me this pastel blue leather jacket. I don't leave home without it.  It's so comfortable.

Also with my coat, a collection of golden oldies. 

Aren't these dolls so adorable?  They came boxed with the red night wear.  Love'm. 

I don't know what this is called but it's massed in a small area of my yard.  I like it.

Til next time

Friday, October 12, 2018

Mantle for fall

Up early at 5:30 a.m. with a coffee, book and a gaze up now and then at my fall arrangement on the mantle.  Will not be long before lighting the fire and wrapping in a warm blanket curled up on the sofa.

Had some fun remaking some dollar store foam pumpkins with layers of paint.   Molded are designs from paper clay using silicone molds.
Fun project for me.

I embellished them with tiny pinecones and glittered the leaves.
The molded leaves and other designs were glued on while still a little damp so it would follow the shape of the pumpkin and then glazed over with a metallic paint.

Old crow I have had for years.

garland from pier one

Started out with this green to cover most of it.
Glued on the molded leaves after drying.
Followed by metallic orange and gold... I rubbed on some silver for a sheen after that.

Hope everyone is enjoying this cool Friday

Saturday, October 6, 2018


I love the mums that our local nursery has this year.  So large and the colors are so vibrant.
A few scattered here and there so far.  I need to place them along with some asters.

Genevieve went with me and picked out flowers for her Mom.  She is so thoughtful.

She placed them on my table on the porch because she said she didn't want them messed up.

Didn't look right so she tried again.  As you can see I have some craft stuff going on.  Need to get back to work on that dried wreath.

Now the final touch.  She placed a halloween candle next to it.  She is something else, that's for sure. Loves to decorate, grow flowers and can use the vacuum too.

So glad the rain is giving us a rest as we are starting to work on the painting around the front door.

The moonflower has just really starting putting out the flowers.  It's way up there around the bell at the fence.

A dahlia I planted from seed in a pot and neglected because I thought it wasn't going to amount to much anyway.  Now look at it.


Peppers I have growing in the planter.
  These are hot ones.

Nothing but roots in the cement planter but as long as they are kept watered, they grow.

Well off to put out a little hay bale with some pumpkins and mums for color and the children like it.