" The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances". - Martha Washington

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

rusty silo

We always take a trip to Quicksburg Va. to buy apples from  Paugh's orchard.  Between our visit to New Market  and Quicksburg in October 2012 - I took a picture of one of the many barns along the way.   

 the silo has a rusty color

Linked to  Barn Charm  where you can view more


  1. The silo stands in stark contrast to the weathered barn. Nice captures.

  2. Lovin that old whitewashed barn! Love it! Very cool silo. The barn in the background is a beauty, too.

    Thank you very much for joining =)

  3. Betsy - I love to look at others photos and I love barns!


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