"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Adalyn is 4

Grand daughter Adalyn had a birthday on Saturday.   She loves Elsa of  Disney's "Frozen"  .  I guess I have that correct,  I can't keep up with what the little ones follow these days.

The little snowflakes are rings and there is an ornament that moves around of "Elsa" Adalyns favorite.

She had to dress in her dress with Elsa necklace

Opa gave her a cash register and she and Genevieve love that.

dad reading her card

With Genevieve ,  it's all about the cake.
She and Adalyn are sweeties.
Sweet Genevieve woke up today with ear infection and stomach flu.   Here we all go again.
What a cold and stomach season for everyone this year.

1 comment:

Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Awww, Happy Birthday to sweet Adalyn! Cute party pics, especially that last photo of the both of them! How adorable! Poor little Genevieve, I hope she gets well sooner then later! Give them both hugs for me and tell them that I am blogger fan of theirs! :)