"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Saturday, June 2, 2018

It's a beautiful morning

Lots of sunshine.  Not for long, calling for rain the rest of the day it looks like after 1100 AM.    Flood warnings are already put into effect for several counties.   I don't see how anyone's garden can flourish at this rate.   Hydroponics may be the next thing to try.
I plant lettuce in pots all summer.  It grows fast and I can move the pots closer to the shade when needed.  They grow best in my clay pots.

Outside my window this plant comes back each season.  Forgot what it is called but it loves the sun here and the butterflies like it also.

In my window I picked this morning

top of ground planter is doing o.k. for just planting last week


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Everything looks great! I planted my lettuce a little late this year and it is just about 2 inches tall now.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Betsy your blossoms look lovely. You have gotten a lot more rain than we have! The storms are always around us. In fact, I just came in from our patio because we hear thunder in the distance. Maybe we'll get a little rain from this one. Your lettuce in the pots always look delish. Did you plant them from seed? Have a nice weekend. ♥

Betsy said...

We got rain... again. all next week it looks to be. I planted the lettuce from seed. I've sewn more and they are coming up. I cut some for salad tonight. They are way too crowded in the pot for Romaine but it's o.k. I hate thinning because I can eat them just like this if it's too crowded to grow into larger leaf.

Betsy said...

Thank you Penny. I sow them through the season and they always come up and give us lettuce.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Beautiful Blooms here today!!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!

Angela said...

Your plants looks healthy, so pretty! Not sure how ours will look like when we get back from conference. I only have a tiny garden with 4 tomatoes plants, two peppers and a few herbs. I have flowers in pots. The ground flowers are perennials. Wishing a nice and sunny Sunday for us both!

Betsy said...

I don't have that many plants either. I have two small beds with a few tomatoes, peppers and squash. It's easier to handle this way.
It's Sunny here one minute and dreary looking the next. The ants I must say are flourishing this year. My gosh these pests are everywhere.
happy sunday

Pam said...

Beautiful....I love seeing and learning about other plants.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a great place!! My sons would have loved it when they were young!! I am checking my comment section on Blogger and keeping up with comments that way. I usually do this anyway because not everyone's comment come through by email so i always do check.....Thanks for visiting again!!!

krishna said...

My husband planted lettuce seeds in a pot, then he forget about that. When the plants started growing, he didn't even recognize the leaves, he cut the leaves and put them in compost bean.. :D

Betsy said...

That is so funny Krishna. I bet he was mad at himself when he found out he ruined his lettuce.