"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Too hot to be outside today

I did get some weeding done early.   I came in - got cool and had another cinnamon bun I made this morning.
Monet got me in the mood for something sweet early.  The local library had some books on sale for 50cents and I bought a few as usual they were cook books.
click to enlarge -

For the buns I used about 3 cups self rising flour.  I put about a cup of water and milk in dish to warm to dissolve yeast in.  I added sugar to mixture also.  I never write my recipes down.  I always say I will and I know I should because I never make it the same way next time.   I did put a dash of salt in the flour with some extra sugar.  I threw a little ginger powder in there too along with the raisins. 
I never put too much flour and this doh was a little moist.  It rose and then I punched it down on a lightly floured surface and rolled with my marble rolling pin as I prefer that to the wood.  It doesn't stick like the wood. 
I mixed milk, butter and confectioners sugar kinda thick and spread on warm buns, it sunk into the soft bun and it's so good.    The yeast and self rising flour worked out really well together.

lots of cinnamon sugar and butter in between
For dinner tonight we will have cold cuts so I decided to make buns for them also.  
they are soft and have poppy seeds on top

The recipe above is what I will make tomorrow,  I cut it out of  a nice lil paper called the country register.
Its free and I found it at one of the local stores here.
I have made this before and it is goooooooooood
Well off to the - GYM

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Clouds hanging over me - can be beautiful

As I was leaving home for dinner at  moms house yesterday.     I looked up and saw these beautiful clouds - had to share.

This one is especially beautiful
Do you see the cross?  I didn't see this until I unloaded the pics to my site
I feel really good about this one!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Some bloomers so far

Here are pictures of my roses in bloom,  I have been harvesting the flowers early in the morning.  The scent is strong on the red one that I use for my jelly.  I throw the pinks in there also because just not enough of the red, so I mix them.   Has been a busy month and have not been working outside like I need too.   Hopefully next week I can.

I noticed only when I enlarged the rose that it had a tear on the bloom
I didn't enhance it as I  like the way it took in the low light in the late evening.

My tea rose that is about 15 years old

another shot of the red rose 
I have ONE foxglove,  I hope to get more to live and bloom next year

Snapdragon -   I didn't notice on this one the little creatures I brought in with it until I enlarged it.  I will give them an even better spraying next time before they come into the home.

You can see the little critters here on this one
The begonia leaves are huge!

Til next time ---

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tornado in Big Rock

My daughter lives  in Big Rock Tennessee in Stewart county with her husband and son.  They got into the bathtub and felt the rumble , peeled back their roof on their porch and took my grandsons trampoline somewhere,  they can't find it.   They are fine and that is all that matters.
    Video here of the   Tornado in Stewart county

Sunday, May 15, 2011

REPOST - Mothers day at Moms --. Blogger lost my post and comments!

Visited Mom on Mothers day.   After everyone left,  she and I went out for an ice cream and hot fudge Sunday (sundae was for mom)  We got them at Dairy Queen, love their ice cream and it shows.
Actually that was one of the best parts of the day.  Moms memory is not as sharp - her short term memory is not good.     I do wish that the one daughter she always asks about would take a few minutes to sit with mom and visit her for a little while.    She asks me and my son about her when we are with her,  why she doesn't visit or come see her,  I just change the subject to something else.  Sad that the grandchildren do not take time to visit as much anymore if at all.    Most children today walk around in a fog anyway when they are not connected to cyberspace in some way.  
mom peeking from behind her peonies picked from her yard.

 Another hi light of the day was seeing my son Derek, he and his wife Miranda gave me this nice solar powered light that revolves and changes color.
the wind spins it and at night the colors change
I received an orchid from Steven and Jennifer,  Beautiful I must say and such a wonderful surprise.  I hope I take care of it correctly and keep it living.   It's a pretty purple pink color. 

Annette and John and Seth sent me a beautiful watch on a gorgeous bracelet.

 Annette,John, Seth and  Steven and Jennifer, Ryan and Tyler live in another town and could not be here.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

what has happened with blogger?

Don't know if anyone else has a problem,  but my last post with comments are gone.
Very frustrating.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spring Flowers

Some of these are taken from a few days ago. The azaleas didn't put on their show like they did last year. I guess plants can get burnt out  and need a rest.  My peonies are blooming.   separated them last year and wish I hadn't now, because they are not as full and pretty.   Hopefully next year there will be more blooms.
Granddaddy's beard has perfumed the backyard, sure wish they lasted longer.
Before yard pics,  I have to post these beautiful roses my husband gave me a day ago.   They are a pinkish salmon color, so beautiful.

Granddaddy's beard
View from my dining room window of dogwood trees
I like how it looks after a rain shower
every thing seems so much greener

my favorite pinks

A show stopper,  magnificent large blooms
I see this first thing in the morning from my porch
Peonies and mock orange which is also very fragrant