"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Happy Tuesday

Today almost 70 degrees, tomorrow rain.  We'll see, if not then a trip to Lewis Ginter is in order to see deocorations before they are taken down for the Season.

I  pulled from a pot on patio some carrots, forgot the name of them but they are supposed to be little lilke this.  I will plant some more as I see they did pretty well.

I like saving the tops for soups and salads. Takes a while for them but they are worth it. 

My lavender I have shaped like a topiary is doing well and always does in pots.  Strawberries in containers around the yard are looking good also

I made a recent post and it's the last post on Christmas blog for the season 
Check it out👉👉Here

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year 2023

A toast of Sparkling apple cider and the tradition of a bowl of black-eyed peas with carrots, celery, ham and chopped collard greens for good luck in the New Year!

Wishing all a most wonderful New Year!