"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Happy Saturday

 91 degrees at 2:00 and love it.   I just finished watering for the 2nd time around and in process of setting out some more flowers that have been growing from seeds in the pots.

Purchased some fresh local snap beans and yes, we call them snaps. Mom always did.  They are fresh and do snap when taking off the ends.

A walk outside to check on the sunflowers.  So pretty and have a nice light fragrance.

Reaching for the sun

Yes indeedy.  The sheets were hung out today to dry.  This is across our driveway to side yard.  I don't mind a bit hanging them out.  I don't care if others around her do either.  

The lavender plant is still producing lavender wands as I call them.  I have picked so many already for sachets.

Swamp hibiscus with quite a few buds.  I have been drowning the beetles in soapy water that love to feed on them and it has cut down the population as I do not see as many these past few days.

Back to work I go


Connie said...

Your yard looks beautiful including your sheets on the line. We love hanging our sheets outside in the summertime, spring and fall, too). They smell unbelievable . . . it's amazing what the sunshine can do to them. If you want to know what the sun smells like, have a sweet night under line dried sheets :) I know that you know what I mean, but maybe you will encourage someone to try it that has never had that experience.
Happy Sumner!!!
Connie :)

Silver in AZ said...

I have a GREAT snaps recipe! But it's really not a summer recipe. Remind me in the fall. (or email me.) :) Have a great rest of the weekend!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Such a nice post full of all of my favorite things--Snaps, sheets on the line, flowers. Who could ask for anything more? I adore your sunflowers and wish I had enough sun to grow them! Since moving our clothesline last year I've been having issues with the birds and my sheets on the line! I told them I'd feed them if they made sure they left the sheets alone, but this week they didn't listen! Stay cool, my friend. ♥

Dewena said...

I love snap beans! I cook mine with new potatoes left in their jackets sitting on top. And I would like it if everyone had a clothesline in their yard. We haven't gotten around to it here yet but I have the perfect and handy place for one all picked out. Your photographs really say summertime!