"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Saturday flowers

Saturday and Sunny - yayyy.   Back inside to do some chores after being out to check on the lavender and put some foil around the base of the tomato plants.

Lavender I would love to put in the ground,  as you can see it is planted in a bottomless cement pipe of sorts.  This plant is about 9 years old and I feel like I should put it in the ground,  but now afraid I may kill it if I move it.  Provence Lavender is the name of it and I still have three bags of lavender buds from last year taken off of it.
I cut it back each year to the woody stems.

Tomatoes are not very big right this moment, but didn't get to plant them earlier as there was so much rain and it was a chilly spring here.   I put foil around the base as it helps keep the cut worms at bay.   It worked for me year before last.   Last summer I didn't put the foil around the stems and the cut worms got a hold of my plants, so back to it this year.

a few cukes I am trying in pots,  will put a trellis in the pot later today so the cukes have something to run on .

Basil comes back more and more each year.  I have to pull a lot of it out as it takes over the area.   Very fragrant and tasty.

Brown eyed Susan always comes back and it's ready to bloom

little pot on my fence

 a twenty year old tea rose that I have moved from my previous house to here.

Couldn't resist picking and bringing inside.

This little flower is Genevieve at the Strawberry Faire today after a face painting

Her big sister Adalyn ,  also our pretty little flower with her face painting
Happy Saturday


La Vie Quotidienne said...

Great lavender plant...and so prolific. I love to dry it, it smells so good when you bring some in the house. I wish basil grew as well for me, I have problems with it, I don't think I have ever found the right place to plant it and it is so handy to have. It looks like you are also going to have lots of tomatoes too. Of course the two little 'flowers' at the end of your post are the highlights...both so are so adorable. Have a great weekend!

Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Hi Betsy, I have not been blogging but thought I would see what you have been up to. I have never heard of using foil on your tomato plants, that's good to know. Your flowers will look so nice when they are all bloomed out. But the sweet grandgirls are the prettiest flowers of all! So cute!
Have a wonderful Sunday!

Margrit said...

Your lavender grows very fine, wow. I have only one plant and it does not like to grow. Perhaps it gets too little sunshine.
Your little flowers are so cute with their facepaintings. :)


Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love the tea rose <3

Lady Fi said...

Lovely shots of kids and flowers.