"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


On my way out to have coffee before I start the yard chores again.  I think I will name my home 'weedville'.  That seems to be all we ever do , not so you could tell it though.

Bottom of our steps

two planters on either side with seeds I put in of wildflower packet
I added the petunia

looking to the creek to pick a few swamp magnolia blooms

Highly fragrant

at the garage and the only way I ever wanna see one

A Christmas gift for Steve.   He saw this at the "Refunk it" shop here in Ashland.
Made from a variety of metal parts from tools of some sort.  The jaws look like they are made from post hole diggers.

Back to inside to get something done,  getting a little warm in the sun

Sharing with
The art of homemaking Mondays

our world tuesday


Lady Fi said...

Lovely flower shots.

Tanya Breese said...

what beautiful flowers you have!

Kay L. Davies said...

I enjoyed this tour through your garden!

Debbie said...

awwww, so sweet!!! my husband tells people all the time that we don't have any weeds in the gardens. then i have to nudge him, so he remembers we do.....i'm just always outside pulling them ;)

Karen said...

Weeding is my constant chore, never ends! Your planters are beautiful, loved the metal alligator!

JES said...

Such beautiful flowers! Thank you for linking up with the Art of Home-Making Mondays! We are glad to have you! :)