"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Beautiful Saturday

Decided to get out and plant some seeds and see if they will grow now.  It seems it may have finally sprung,  Spring that is.
New dirt for the pots and seeds.
This spinach I put in the pot about a month ago has seen snow and cold rain.  Still thriving.
forgot to get those little weeds in there.

I am afraid if I do not plant this lavender cutting soon, it may die from being to large for this pot.

These two roses were dying and were priced at $.50 at Kroger last year.   I took a chance on them living off and on the porch they went during the year and then covered in snow.   Well now it looks like they did make it.   I think if you plant and leave them alone, they do o.k.

I will pick some of these to press and then frame

I didn't move this lilac and now it's to late for this season.  I don't believe the root system is that large but I will definitely cut back and move this fall.  The blooms  leave a scent in the air even though they have not opened all the way.

I thinned these a lot last year and so glad I did

Will be cleaning the beds today of these near the driveway

One lone tulip the moles didn't get

Snowman peeking through the shed window.  No more snow for him - it's totally Spring now.

I heard that we are supposed to have thunderstorms rolling through tomorrow - Sunday.   I guess the lightning will wake the snakes now.  Mom always said the snakes come out of the ground at the first lightning or was it thunder?   Oh well, I guess I will find out. 


Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

It was warm here for 2 days but all next week we will only reach high's of 50 and lows in the 30's.
Thank you for your kind comment on my post about my dear friend and neighbor, Elly!! She was a very special Lady!!Thanks for stopping by!!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Betsy wasn't today and yesterday a little too warm?! I'm not complaining but we are having the strangest weather. Good for you for saving the roses--great bargain. Your peonies are already budding--wow. I put those little plant stands over mine yesterday to keep them from falling over. I hope you don't get too many sightings of snakes this year! It really is startling to see one. ♥

mamasmercantile said...

Signs of Spring are all around, so nice to make a start in the garden.

Pam said...

Rain, rain, rain....we have had our share this spring. Over it. Love the pic of the snowman in the window. Great post.

krishna said...

yes the beautiful weather is coming back.. I'm also getting spinach from my backyard..

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Looks like you are on the way to a beautiful garden this summer, Betsy. I was just thinking I should get to the nursery. I always seem to wait to long and then the only plants left are not very sturdy and don't do that well for me. I'm getting tired of predicting Spring! Every time I do, Mother Nature takes a different turn..Happy Week my friend..xxoJudy