"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Friday, April 7, 2017


Yesterday was a very windy and rainy strange kinda weather.   The rain came down in sheets.  We had the girls and decided after lunch to take them to sweet frog frozen yogurt shop in town.  Got to the door in porch and it started  hailing like crazy.
 lots of little pellets hitting the ground.

not gonna get to the garage in this stuff
When we got back the rain had stopped so I walked around the yard a little bit along with Genevieve.

This pee gee hydrangea I purchased is looking good in the pot until I find a place I want to put it.

So much yard work to do.  I guess the weather will be good a few days so we can get back to raking and mulching.

Azaleas are not going to be as pretty this year.  They need mulching.

I cut dead limbs off of this one last year

There are lots of blooms on this lilac,  but blooms still very small at this point.

gonna try to move it when it dies back.

Dogwoods are not as pretty as last year.  Time for some hard pruning.  No harm done I  feel,  as it looks to be on it's last leg anyway.

bugle weed - it is a weed.  Stuff grows everywhere.

some are lilac color and some almost blue

I trimmed open spaces in the boxwood because I like to place pots of running flowers like petunias in the space for a pop of color or a touch of whimsy.
I place a stake in the middle of box to fasten the pot.

Genevieve loves her flowers

Especially the Lilac

She said they both smell good.  I haven't talked to her today, and I hope her nose stuck in so many flowers hasn't triggered any allergies.  I don't think it would matter if it  did.   She loves them.

Her little picked flowers she place in the container in kitchen window.

Inside is where the girls said they cleaned up before we took them to "Sweet Frog".  Yep they cleaned up alright, modeling clay in several places.
Oh well ,  it does come out in the wash.


Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Betsy. I'm laughing at your clean-up crew! Remember those days, now, I can say, fondly!! Glad your pretty flowers survived the hail storm. We had one also last week..Have a good weekend..Judy

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely collection of photos. Genevieve is a sweety and your flowers are delightful. Great header shot! We must have had the same weather pattern. Glad it's not so bad now but hopefully it will warm up soon :) Have a great weekend :)

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

What a fun and interesting day with the grands, Betsy. We had that storm yesterday as well with some small hail, not as large as your's! Glad it didn't damage your pretty blossoms. Genevieve has good taste in flowers. Lilacs have the best fragrance! ♥

krishna said...

All the photos are so beautiful.. Have a great weekend..

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

She is so sweet!!! All the blooms are so lovely!! Nothing blooming here yet!!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That storm missed us --but we have had quite a bit of light rain lately... After our drought last year, we NEED all of the rain we can get. The yard loves those light but continuous rains.

Our azaleas haven't done as well this year --but the reason was that horrible drought.. One of the RedBuds did okay --but the other one didn't bloom much. It just leafed!!!! At least it is alive...

We've been walking each morning on the Golf Course here (5:30-6:30 a.m.).. We HAVE to walk before the golfers begin --and even though it's hard to get up at 5:15, I love getting my walk in early like this... Anyhow---I've noticed most of the Rhododendrons around this area really got damaged in the drought, including ours. That drought certainly did damage to our entire area.. We are lucky to have so much of our yard doing well now...

Yes I know about weeds.. They grow when nothing else willl... ha

Genevieve is such adorable... Glad she loves flowers.... Glad also that you finally got to the Yogurt place...
