"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I have to keep posting the flowers as they open because the beauty is just amazing .  Not much longer and they are gone .   I try to enjoy their beauty as long as I have them
A rosebush I planted last year called a "Rambler of some kind"

another picture of this huge bush

Picked some for an arrangement with my red peony

Spring flowers are the prettiest I think

white peony on my dining room table


Elizabeth Edwards said...

I love your header shot - gorgeous blooms. what a spring post. i love the name of the rosebush. i wonder how they come up with that? just a thought or did they really research a bunch of whatnot??! so cool. happy Thursday!! ( :

Mari said...

I love flowers and I appreciate that you share them on your posts. Your header is gorgeous!

Linda said...

Refeshingly lovely! Eye candy, yum!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You must have a green thumb! I've never seen so many white blooms on a bush! You sure put together a beautiful arrangement! Hugs!