"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Barn post

On the way to Gordonsville Va. Saturday,  I got a picture of this pretty barn on a hill from the auto.    It is located on route 33  ,  I think in Louisa county at this point but not real sure.     I am  sharing  with  Barn Charm this week where you can see lots more.

I got this shot going to - and

coming back home - little hazy here

A nice sunset later in the day  as we were almost home


Cotton Peony said...

I love mid autumn sunsets with the haze and then the morning has that mysterious foggy feeling like we reside in North Maine off the coast. Chilly here again, which is a good thing as another salted caramel apply pie was baked yesterday. Yums.

Thanks for the barn shots!

warm hugs,

Cotton Peony

Anonymous said...

Mighty fine red barn & silo! I'd love to get inside & explore!

Thanks so much for joining =)