"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Monday, October 1, 2012

Old house and whats for dinner

I take the same road every time to the berry farm,  but  never paid much attention to this beautiful historical log  house set back off of the road .
Looks smaller than what it really is

   I stopped to read the sign and look around the yard. Here is the historical marker that tells some of the story about this house
not to far is a historical church,  will check that out next time

 I wish I could go inside.      The roof has a high pitch to it.

 side porch and extra rooms added

 Close up of the well pump

I like the bench and the shelf attached to the porch,  couple of pumpkins sitting there
I am really liking this wreath,  made from some very old vines

There are quite a few around the creek this size  May have to get some to make one of these monsters.
Now for what we had for dinner tonight-  I made ministrone or Big Soup.   
 I was out of string beans but I threw in there ford hook  lima beans ,  not the dried ones though - don't like those.  I used frozen green ones.   Lots of tomatoes and I always use lemon juice to perk up the tomatoes.    Kidney beans, potatoes, carrots, onions - basil and oregano because it comes from my garden and I like using it fresh when I can, also some   corn and olive oil.  I think thats everything.   Oh the chopped garlic.    I boiled the pasta separate - al dente and stirred it in the soup. 
Anyway heres what it looks like --

I topped mine with parmesan cheese -
Steve likes meat with his dinner, I didn't fix a roast today but  he was satisfied with the shrimp cocktail I fixed him
I enjoy
making bread - don't make it that often and for good reason , I wear every bite of it. The flour I use is milled local  by Ashland milling company.    Buying local is what I try to do as much as possible.  I chopped some fresh dill for the dough and mixed in there with rapid  rise yeast, warm milk and water, sugar salt - a little oil. Push it around a little bit, not too fussy. After first rising - I worked it a little more and then pressed it flat, buttered it, next the sauteed  onions were spread on - rolled it jelly roll fashion and sealed the ends. My favorite ceramic cooking sheet was sprinkled with cornmeal. Bread was place on that and cooked at 375 degrees preheated convection for 20 minutes - I must say it was good, Steve sure thought so, he ate enough.
My bread going into the oven - you can see the fresh dill

 I brushed some butter on top
The whole house smells so good when bread bakes - 
Onions inside made it taste so good,  went great with my Big Soup
yummmmm - I love dill in just about everything
Til next time


Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Hi Betsy! About the cabin...is that water pitcher still around somewhere? (in a museum or something?)
Your soup and bread look delicious! Love the china! Gina

Cotton Peony said...

Wow.. what a place, I'd love to live there and I bet is remains cool inside with the natural wood insulating it. And what a wreath! Hard to find thicker vines that are bendable. Great find. But my dear.. spill the beans on the recipes and PRONTO as I'd love to make that bread for this weekend! Dill or caraway along with green pencil onions.. oh holy cow, does look great.

Warm hugs,

Cotton Peony

Denise said...

I LOVE this historical log house, Betsy!! It really is charming. You're lucky to be surrounded by so much history. :)

Your food looks delicious and I hope you have a great week.

Denise at Forest Manor