"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ginter and summer gardens

Seth and I had lunch here and in the sweltering heat took a tour of the gardens this day .  Little boys his age no matter what the temp have so much energy.  I dragged but made it.
This was in July this year,  he has since moved to Arizona with his mom and dad.   Sure miss the lil guy.

Patio area

everything is fresh and very tasty

espaliered on wall of historical home in the garden
view from the front porch

many beautiful flowers on our walk
Shadows cast on the pavement in children's play area of the garden

glass in the garden

I think I have an idea for glass in my garden,
will have to show that later in another post
he was amazed of how large the plant behind him is.

front yard view of historical home

1 comment:

Karen said...

Oh, what a beautiful garden, love the glass in the plantings and the espaliered wall. All those roses, the fragrance must have been wonderful.