"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Happy rainy Thursday

 Up early expecting rain and sleet as predicted looking out my summer kitchen window as we call it. 


Only rain and thunder in my area.

I take the weather forecasts with a grain of salt mostly now.

Can't be predicted.  Has been wrong so much.

I do hope since we have at least a good month of winter left to see some snow hopefully.

Not rushing the seasons.  Each one is special. 

I did enjoy my coffee on porch with the rain this morning

Day trip to Gordonsville two weeks ago and a pic taken with my phone from car.

zooming in on home as we zoomed by 
gave me this close up which almost looks like watercolor. 
I think I will frame and place on my desk.
I will tweak a little more with the color first. 
I have more crafty things to do and actually I could be painting a bedroom.  Nah, it can wait.



Kim said...

Oh goodness, I wish our weather predictions were all wrong. It's been snow, snow, snow and they've been right every time. Next round arriving tomorrow. Boo. Maybe they'll be wrong about this one!! Haha!

Betsy said...

We are getting the same. Stay safe and warm. I have the urge as always to take a drive in it to somewhere. I love riding in snow.