Did a little shopping at a neat art shop in town nearby. So many cute things and I purchased a few of them. These adorable Flower girls I think I will fashion a hanger for an ornament while adorning a Christmas gift that is garden related. I purchased a few other items but can' t post them yet as they are gifts for a few people.
Some lavender gathered from plants in my yard drying and using in flavoring honey, lavender ice cream and jelly. I also make sachets and keep in my drawer and other areas that can stand to be scented up a litte.
I love Gladiolus. I staggered the planting so I could have them at intervals instead of all at once.
I really didn't like above arrangement, So I put them in a regular vase
A stop to a local green house center and little shop with some home made items. This Bug off really does keep the bugs away when I am out in the yard and the grandchildren too. I make sure I do not run out of this.
Handmade locally is even better
A lavender cutting I rooted a few seasons back. I keep pinching it and the stalk is getting pretty thick and strong.
Moss rose, creeping Jenny and another flower hidden by these.
Boxwood looks good now after trimming them last month. I trimmed them hard but they recovered it seems.
This giant orb is made from a beach ball and cement. I need to make another this has really held up for over 5 years I think it is. I need to repaint it. The next one I will punch holes and place a light inside.
Love how it looks after a nice rain
Granddaughter sent me this picture of a sweet little kangaroo she got to pet and see in Kentucky where Breyerfest is being held this year at the Kentucky horse park.
I stand corrected on this little critter... It's a wallaby and not kangaroo.
Anything goes Pink Saturday
Now on to checking out what others have posted there
Love your gladiolus…great colors ….like lavender..I put one in the france vase on my mother grave…love from me and Leaf 🍀💜🐾🍀
Dearest Betsy,
You're really blessed with such lovely gladiolus flowers! Several years ago we had lots of white ones but nothing any more.
Guess that was not a little kangaroo but a wallaby:
I just love your little flower girls. Everything looks so wonderful and so green.
Happy Sunday Mariette, I have heard of Wallabies but don't know much about either the Kangaroo or the Wallaby. I just read up a little on them and it seems the diet is different and obviously the size. Both belong to the same family of macropods and marsupials. Interesting creatures.
I had white glad's but they are gone for the season and others I planted at different times. They come up every year and so far nothing eats the bulbs. I just love how they look. Hugs Betsy
Thanks so much for stopping by!! Love the gifts you bought that you were able to share. The blooms are lovely too!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
What a beautiful post! Two of my favorite flowers, Lavendar and gladiolus, and I can't grow either one. Maybe a row in the garden would work for the glads. Hadn't thought of that until now. Your basket and Lavender picture is just beautiful. Looks like a picture in a gardening magazine.
Thank you. The rain can came and it sure helped.
I am not sure if a response went through with my gmail. Not happy with gmail lately. Wanted to make sure you go it here.
Hi Henny, Thank you and I am so glad you enjoyed my post. Gladiolus have been my favorite for ages. I can leave bulbs in the ground and nothing touches them. This year I staggered plantings with new bulbs for more bloom time. Yes, plant them in your garden. They will be beautiful there. Again thank you and have a great week. Betsy
I love cute handmade things like the dolls! They are adorable! Love the lavender and that good insect repellant too. You've shared lots of neat things! Enjoy your evening! Diane
Those flower girls are adorable. Lavender is one of my favorite flowers.
Oh I see some of my friends are your friends as well, Thank you for visiting me and leaving a comment so that I could follow you home.
Glads and lavender are aming my favorites. I have a glad grower where I like to purchase bouquets. I have felt it too much effort to grow my own. My grandmother did for years and years.
You did a great job trimming the boxwoods. I watch Laura at Gardening Answer so I know that is not a slap-happy thing.
Those little dolls are very cute! Lavender is my favorite scent. Love the look of your garden. That wallaby was cute too. Great photos Betsy!
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