"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunny Sunday

Lovely and very chilly Sunday Morning.  Sitting on my porch early this morning and gazing through a plant magazine while enjoying my first cup of coffee.
Glancing up and taking in what this day has to offer.

lilac just about to cover the bell

This dogwood's color is different than the the others in the yard.  It's a blush color.

Plants that need to be put in the ground very soon

Spinach is ready to cut for a salad.  Grows fast in pots

Bush cukes I will put in my planter also.

Annette came to visit with us Friday to spend a few days.  So happy for that.   She and Adalyn watching Sponge Bob.

Happy Sunday


The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

What a lovely view you have to enjoy the morning, Betsy! Spring took her sweet time, but isn't she gorgeous this year? Your dogwoods and azaleas are so pretty. I wish they would keep their blossoms longer, but with the higher temperatures this week..ummm. I'm sure you enjoyed having your daughter visit. Have a lovely week. ♥

mamasmercantile said...

Such beautiful plants and the bell was a delight. Always a joy to have visitors.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love your flowers... We saw some gorgeous Azaleas when we were at Biltmore on April 17. My blog post today shows some of them....

Question? What program do you use for your watermarks? I have been using Picasa --but it is going away. I need to find another one. I want something simple that will watermark LOTS of pictures with one click.... Thanks.


krishna said...

Lovely .. spring has sprung..

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

All these blooms are so pretty!! We are finally starting to see blooms here in NEPA and finally having some Spring weather!! Thanks for visiting!!