"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Thursday, August 4, 2016

An outing

Taking care of business in the city and taking the two grand girls with us.
  After we finished we took them for a hot dog at Sproots. Richmond's  Churchill is where it's located.    Hot dogs dressed just about anyway you like'm.

  Steve has been here several times, he gets a taste for hot dogs and this is his place to go.   Dogs, soda and desert.
  Addy ate a dog with mustard for her to dip it in,  she likes dipping.

Genevieve had a bite of my hot dog but wanted her sausage bites battered and fried with fries like Adalyn dipped in mustard and some ketchup.
She has to look them over first

they were good,  Steve had his favorite Bratwurst.

Me,  I had my hot dog with onions and sauerkraut - my favorite

Of course house made fruit drinks.   Grapefruit - basil - elderberry flavor is what Steve likes the best and now I do.

Little Adalyn

on the patio for their chocolate ice cream and they both wear  everything they eat well.
Check out that old building in the background,  guess it's being renovated or something close to it.

Genevieve cannot get enough of that juice she is drinking
Must check that flavor out

Both enjoyed seeing the city and so many huge buildings.   Adalyn always interested and asked a million questions about any and everything,  hope we answer them well enough.  Like to see her interested.
Heading home from Church hill

On the way home we passed Opa's work place , the tower on the left.  They liked seeing that.
I love downtown and would like to live in the city again.  My grand mother lived there when I was much younger and I enjoyed spending week ends there.

Pulling into the drive , flowers that the heat haven't finished drying up are looking just o.k.

The doors to replace the old worn ones on our porch have arrived and hopefully can be placed tomorrow.

Floor tile - I like it because it has a texture and looks like stone
digi tile porcelain

Everything ready to go,  now I hope they workers can get it done with in a week

The old cement slab where the out door carpet was ripped off
glad to see that mess go and even gladder when I don't have to look at the floor like it is now 

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