"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

floral beauty

Steve's birthday was Monday.   Some cheery flowers for his office window I picked from outside

Here are few along the driveway
Do not know the name of the very large shrub in the distance but it scents the yard with a super sweet fragrance.

this azalea gets larger each year

the blooms of some are almost as large as a dinner plate

closer pix of the large very sweet scented shrub

Another peek at the home office window

with a peek from lil Adalyn who is always snooping around in here,  she loves pencils ,  paper and of course INK.

Sharing with "A Southern Daydreamer"  out door Wednesday


Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Betsy, what a spunky little one. Too cute!. Your peonies are gorgeous. I tried planting some but the plant just starts to come up and then it disappears. I think those crazy mystical flowers that come every summer just force it out. Now, I'm no expert but that beautiful bush looks to me like one my grandmother had when I was a little girl. We always called it syngieria. I'm not even sure of the spelling but it looked very similar and it smelled so good. I remember it very fondly Hopefully someone else will shed some light...Happy Wednesday..Judy

New Jersey Memories said...

What beautiful flowers and photos. Spring is such a lovely time of year.

Latane Barton said...

Your flowers are beautiful. And, oh my, those peonies. They are one of my favorites.

LV said...

Since I am yard and flower person, truly enjoyed seeing all your beauties. The little one is the best flower of all.