"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Friday, April 24, 2015

Fossil beach

Today was the perfect day for getting out in the yard,  taking care of plants  that needed to be put in the ground and some weeding.   Instead we took a ride to Westmoreland state park Va.  to check it out and see if it is a place we would want to go back to, maybe stay a night or two in a cabin.   Take our chairs out on the beach, read  and just relax.
About 1 1/2 miles along the Potomac river,  the park extends.  Neighboring it is 1, 299 acres of the former homes of George Washington and Robert E. Lee.  Stratford hall is minutes away.
Here are some pictures of our trek to fossil beach where fossilized sharks teeth can be found.

the bench you can see is just right before we head down a sharp decline.
an 8/10 of a mile round trip hike,  doesn't sound like much but it was something I wasn't used to.  Down the paths to the beach was fine,  but coming back up was a whole different matter.   Will have hiking shoes the next time.

this gets steeper

Paradise as soon as we come around the woods to the beach.
Can't really see them well with my cell phone camera but there are eagles in the trees ahead on the cliff top.

Both sides are beautiful colored cliffs

trees that fell from the cliff behind me

Will be back


Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Oh wow, that is great! What a great find at the end of a path huh?
Have a great weekend,

A Joyful Cottage said...

Wow, that's a ruggedly beautiful beach. I had to chuckle at the turn of events from the way you started this post. I thought it was going to be about working outside and then suddenly your off on a day trip. Good for you. Carpe diem!

Linda said...

Neat! I haven't been to Westmoreland in several years.