"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Flowers end

Sounds somewhat like a movie title for my post title.  

 The following shots are what is left of the seasons flowers.
Seems as though the colors are more vibrant now than they were in Summer.  The sun is not out as much to make them fade.

A picture of my wreath on my front door

You can see somewhat of a sunset reflecting in the glass
Nasturtiums on my side fence just started getting pretty about a month ago, much healthier now than in the spring and summer.
I pull off a bloom every time I walk by to eat,  tastes like cress salad to me.   Will miss the blooms in  salad.
The color is just as you see it.  Very vibrant.

Very few blooms left of the zinnias.   Below are a few that have been growing in pots

This one has a pretty autumn color to it,  orange and yellow hues.

The ones here are not as large as the ones growing in the pot.  I do think that epsom salt I watered them with in the pots made them grow healthier and prettier.

The color of these are my favorite. 

I have to have my coleus

One lone Dahlia left

My painted log slice like a baby jack o lantern on the steps to den
til next time - bye 


Lynn said...

wow you've had a great bloom year, the construction of the flower just below the yummy Nasturtiums (ours were pitiful this year) is fabulous- lovely photos.

Latane Barton said...

That little baby jack-o-lantern is just so cute. Too soon we will lose all those beautiful flowers. But... we sure will be happy to see them again come spring.

donna said...

I love the baby pumpkin!