"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

what a difference a day makes

yesterday - snowy and cold,  so I had to get out in it.  minus 1 degree temp. this morning . I know some places  got hit harder and colder than what we had here.
heading out of the driveway , love it.

little icy
heading back a little while later.   brightening up a bit - looking down the tracks , almost home.

back home,  hate to see it stop snowing,  but it has

Today - Tuesday
 looking out of the window,  it's starting to melt and the sun is out.   


Karen said...

Betsy, good to see a fellow snow-person! Is snow a rarity in your area? Your pictures are wonderful, and I'm glad you got back in safely to your beautiful house.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Better keep the coats and boots handy a while longer! What pretty snow though! Have a good week!