"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Berry Picking

On the way to Swift creek berry farm in Moseley Va..  my favorite place to pick blueberries.  Friendly people and  large berries.    A pleasant drive through some winding roads and homes with  flowers  and large trees.   I took a few pictures.

 I took some pictures of some interesting garden ornaments and displays .   The one above was a business it looked like from the road.   Took a double take of this one.

The one above and below are at the entrance to a home - backed up the car to get this one.

I like the fencing here at the church

This  one I will stop into next trip,  I like the look of the tree or twig arbor on right,  it is the entrance to some tables and chairs  for having a bite.    I found this website and worth checking out,  so gather here.

lots of bushes
on both sides of the road
Neat farmhouse and about an hour later ,  very hot and sweaty I got some very plump and sweet berries to freeze and make a pie,  about 5 pounds

I see a few red ones ,  they will add to the tartness.


Ana said...

Hi Betsy,
Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Love your pics. Thanks for stopping by for a visit and for becoming a follower. Hope you come and visit again soon.

Hugs and Kisses,

Sigrun said...

Hi, sehr erfolgreiche Ernte. Ich dachte gerade darüber nach, wie viele Jahrzehnte es her ist, dass ich einmal Heidelbeeren gesammelt habe. Die Weite auf deinen Bildern gefällt mir sehr.


Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Hi Betsy! Mmmm, love me some blueberries!! What a scenic drive it was to get there. I agree, I really like that church fencing. Thanks for sharing! Gina

Connie said...

My, that sounds like a lovely way to spend a summer day. Not to mention blueberry pie, blueberry pancakes, blueberry muffins . . . yum!!!
Your photos were wonderful as always.
Have a marvelous day, Connie :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a fun outing and look at those delicious blueberries! I love them on my cereal at breakfast!