"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Some bloomers so far

Here are pictures of my roses in bloom,  I have been harvesting the flowers early in the morning.  The scent is strong on the red one that I use for my jelly.  I throw the pinks in there also because just not enough of the red, so I mix them.   Has been a busy month and have not been working outside like I need too.   Hopefully next week I can.

I noticed only when I enlarged the rose that it had a tear on the bloom
I didn't enhance it as I  like the way it took in the low light in the late evening.

My tea rose that is about 15 years old

another shot of the red rose 
I have ONE foxglove,  I hope to get more to live and bloom next year

Snapdragon -   I didn't notice on this one the little creatures I brought in with it until I enlarged it.  I will give them an even better spraying next time before they come into the home.

You can see the little critters here on this one
The begonia leaves are huge!

Til next time ---


Tabbyroo said...

Love your floral photos especially the pink tea rose. In England we call the yellow flowers Antirriniums or 'snapdragons',because when you squeeze the sides its like a dragon jaw-supposedly! Linda x

Chandra said...

Very lovely pics! The foxglove is my favorite.

Betsy said...

To Tabbyroo,
I have tried to leave a comment on your blog, but I cannot for some reason. It won't take it. I guess problems with blogger again.
Just wanted to say thank you for letting me know the correct name of the plant and the history of it also.
So glad you are feeling better.
Have a great evening

matron said...

I love your flowers,I can almost smell the scent of the roses.
You mentioned making jelly,using the roses,I used to make it,I love it,but my friends here have never tried it,as they do not believe you can make jelly from roses.What a treat they are missing.!!
I am glad to hear that your family are safe after the tornado.I tried to leave a comment,but blogger was playing up.
Have a good Sunday.