"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Sunday, May 15, 2011

REPOST - Mothers day at Moms --. Blogger lost my post and comments!

Visited Mom on Mothers day.   After everyone left,  she and I went out for an ice cream and hot fudge Sunday (sundae was for mom)  We got them at Dairy Queen, love their ice cream and it shows.
Actually that was one of the best parts of the day.  Moms memory is not as sharp - her short term memory is not good.     I do wish that the one daughter she always asks about would take a few minutes to sit with mom and visit her for a little while.    She asks me and my son about her when we are with her,  why she doesn't visit or come see her,  I just change the subject to something else.  Sad that the grandchildren do not take time to visit as much anymore if at all.    Most children today walk around in a fog anyway when they are not connected to cyberspace in some way.  
mom peeking from behind her peonies picked from her yard.

 Another hi light of the day was seeing my son Derek, he and his wife Miranda gave me this nice solar powered light that revolves and changes color.
the wind spins it and at night the colors change
I received an orchid from Steven and Jennifer,  Beautiful I must say and such a wonderful surprise.  I hope I take care of it correctly and keep it living.   It's a pretty purple pink color. 

Annette and John and Seth sent me a beautiful watch on a gorgeous bracelet.

 Annette,John, Seth and  Steven and Jennifer, Ryan and Tyler live in another town and could not be here.


matron said...

Betsy,blogger was playing up for a couple of days,then crashed completely,I lost my post and comments too.I think everyone was affected,most infuriating,but it seems to be up and running now thank goodness.
I am glad you enjoyed Mothers day,you had some lovely presents and the bracelet is beautiful.
Enjoy your Sunday.

Betsy said...

Thank You carolyn for visit and hearing that the problem is fixed with blogger.

Karen said...

Hi Betsy, I tried commenting before too, but it must have been when Blogger was acting up.

Your mother looks so pretty with the peonies. Your orchid is gorgeous, what thoughtful children you have!

So nice to meet you, have a good week.

Marie said...

Thank you for your comment on my blog :)

You have a very nice blog :) I love gardening too and I like your garden photos very much :)

Marie said...

Nice post :)
We don't have our mothers forever so it is important to spend time with them.

Nice gifts :)

Thank you for your comment on my blog :)