"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Some things I have been working on

I love this time of year even though I spent the morning raking acorns.  Two large lawn bags full.  I have to or  little oaks will be growing all over the yard. 
 After the raking -
I canned some Green pickle relish.   Made some apple butter with apples purchased  from Paughs orchard in Quicksburg Va..  Not a blemish on them.   I will be canning some sliced apples tomorrow. 

 apple butter
 My green tomato relish
tomatoes I canned a few weeks back and used my dried basil,  a clove of garlic in each jar for flavor.

 I also dried some this year. 

Soup for dinner .Left over ham and the bone made the stock for this soup, added are carrots, potatoes, my dried veggies of string beans, okra, peas and zucchini.   I put a smidgen of hot pepper in there for extra zest and celery seed.   A packet of chicken bouillon also.  Fresh sweet potato is diced in the soup along with some macaroni noodles and frozen corn.   Never have had sweet potato in soup,  but saw a recipe where there was sweet potato along with fresh kale, so I had to try it.

I purchased this decoration at Peebles for 10 bucks some months back.
The gold color had to be toned down a bit, found some off white paint in the garage and rubbed the piece with it and then took off the excess.  Much happier with it now.

It is hanging over the bed downstairs that we use as a spare bedroom.
Hopeful this paneling will be painted over..  I may just put a wash on the walls.  My pillows on the bed are ones I made last year. 

1 comment:

Lady Farmer said...

What a busy girl you have been! I am tired just reading about all the good things you have canned, dried and are preparing!:~P
Oh, my! That soup looks positively delish!
Be Blessed!