"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Home, garden and a few other things

Hello on this hot, hot, hot Thursday.   Before long we will have a foot of snow. Probably not but just hoping.

A few stragglers from my small garden area like these cow peas as they are called on the seed packet I planted from.  I call them black eyes and I like them better green with tomatoes and sometimes corn cooked together.  I eat them dried also but never can find the green ones in the stores like I used to, so I grow a few vines myself.

I keep watering, all the while saying I won't do it anymore, just too hot to keep up with.
So, what do I do?  I keep watering.  Can't help myself.
I will miss the flowers and veggies when the season is over, so I enjoy as much of it while I can.

Few seashells sitting on my patio wall.  I will be back to the ocean in the fall..  

A day last week, Opa took Genevieve by Lewis Ginter Botanical gardens and in one area there are these cut logs and tree limbs.   Genevieve made a display of them.  I like how she creates. 

Back to my garden area, it's a jungle.  I think next year I will put up an arch of some kind, nothing fancy for the vines to run over.  The okra went crazy growing in the concrete block crevices.  I do believe the shading by nearby vegetables like tomatoes, helped keep them growing and sheltered from this horrible heat this summer.  Well, it's summer and supposed to be hot.  I remember some hot days growing up so it's nothing new.   I do see a hawk in the evening fly over keeping tabs on things. 
 It helps I do believe by keeping the squirrels and other animals away from the garden area. 
 Steve surely did a wonderful job in putting up the fence and walk around.  He made the door with hinges and did a great job!

A few zinnias and a dahlia picked for a vase. 

Genevieve picked out this tuber from Home Depot for me to put in a pot.  It has done so very well and many more blooms to go.  Genevieve and Adalyn both love flowers.

Now I am just sitting around thinking about what I need to do next, or should I say first. I have so much to do outside here. 



Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Betsy,
Today was a very hot day on our 41Th anniversary as immigrants...
You got some nice veggies off your own garden!
As well as flowers.
Steve did indeed a great job with the fencing in.
Talking about fence, ours is still flat, downed by a huge oak tree that also is still out there in the wood garden. On July 16 the person removing it and cutting the underbrush came out but with all the water and rain it was impossible. Today he came by again and will begin maybe over the weekend or next week. FINALLY!
It has been way too wet here all year I should say except for a couple of hot and dry days lately.
Lost one patio pot plant with azalea, it got soaked!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Betsy, your header is like a beautiful still life painting! And the quote is beautiful---one I try to remember. So glad your garden has done well with your careful watering. We now have a storm brewing outside and really hope we at least get some rain from it. Genevieve's sculpture made of limbs is quite creative. Take care of yourself. It will be fall before too much longer!

Betsy said...

My heavens Mariette your weather there being as wet as it's been hasn't made being outdoors pleasurable or getting things done. I hope that all the work removing the oak tree can be done and over with and your fence put back up.
I have never grown an azalea in a pot. I may try that on my patio and see how it works. Would be pretty color. I purchased roller plates for lack of a better word for them to place under my heavy pots to roll around when needed, like close to house in bad weather. It rained so much yesterday; everything is saturated today. Makes me a little nervous with woods nearby and falling trees. We have one in the back yard now fallen from someone else's woods to cut up and remove.
Hugs, Betsy

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Yeah, our big oak tree fell from storm or lightning, whatever. It took another big tree from the neighbor down as well. He came to our front door mentioning this mess and asked if he could speak to my husband. My husband went to heaven on April 30 I said and he calmed down and was less agitated.
Hoping indeed that all that mess will be cleared son Betsy!

Betsy said...

Hi there, I don't know why my spam folder gets messages sometimes.  I just found your comment.

It was loud and scary here last night.  We used to get thunder storms and rain storms every summer but this is the first this season that amounted to anything.  Raining now here.
Genevieve enjoyed making her sculpture for sure.
You take care and supposed to be more rain tomorrow.  

Kim said...

Pretty flowers! Love the frog and your orange front door, too. I just love color and you have it inside and out. Happy long weekend!!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for stopping by!! I am like you in saying that I am not going to water anymore while I am watering!! LOL!! I cut back on the amount of annuals I bought this year and I will plan on doing it more so next year, buying more perennials We are having some beautiful cool weather here and I am loving it as I am starting my Fall decorating....I am so ready for Summer to be over....Way too HOT for me!!
Debbie-Dabble Blog