"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Sunday, October 28, 2018

A few pics of B'day

A week ago the grand girls along their  mom and dad brought me a birthday cake and so delicious it was.
A sponge frosted with a whipped cream icing and fresh blueberries with strawberries filled between the layers.  Almond flavored, my favorite flavor.

First we enjoyed home made soup.  Yes, the pot was full before I shot this.

It was, as the balloon says.

Girls painted this sculpture.  I love the colors they chose.

not sure where to  hang this yet, but its a metal sculpture from Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden shop.  Steve gifted me this.  Love it!

along with a reindeer for Christmas display. I will probably place him on a bed of snow on my mantle.

Miranda brought me these beautiful flowers and today being the 28th, a week later, they are still beautiful.

My friend Jennifer gifted me this pastel blue leather jacket. I don't leave home without it.  It's so comfortable.

Also with my coat, a collection of golden oldies. 

Aren't these dolls so adorable?  They came boxed with the red night wear.  Love'm. 

I don't know what this is called but it's massed in a small area of my yard.  I like it.

Til next time


Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Betsy, isn't that a pretty plant. Is it a weed? Well, Happy Birthday, looks like you had a delightful celebration with lots of great gifts. Our birthdays are pretty close together. Mine is coming up in November. Of course, I am a few years down the road from you, but they have been good ones. Hope you had a wonderful day..xxoJudy

Rue said...

Happy belated Birthday! It looks like your had a great time :)

I don't know what that plant is called either, but it is pretty.


Unknown said...

Hello mom you got some very beautiful things. The cake looked delicious. That plant you were wondering about. It is called redshank or commonly called lady thumb. It is a wild edible that is on the list of invasive weeds because it is not grass. But look at the leaf. In the middle of the leaf there is a purple to black shevronish mark that looks like a thumb print.

Cynthia said...

Wow, that was quite a birthday! The cake looks just wonderful and I'm sending along my birthday wishes, only a week late!

Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Happy belated Birthday Betsy!!! Looks like you had a very special day and what a wonderful looking cake you had!! xoxo

Betsy said...

Thank you, and finally I know what this is. It's very pretty.

mamasmercantile said...

Belated Birthday wishes, such a beautiful looking cake. Hope it tasted as good as it looks. You were blessed with lots of wonderful gifts.

Betsy said...

Thank you. The cake did taste as good as it looks, even better.

krishna said...

Aww!! that's sweet.. Belated Happy Birthday dear..