"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

A step outside

Went outside for a bit and then it started raining.  What is with this stuff?  It's never ending.  It was 4 o'clock and I was bitten like crazy by mosquitoes.   The grass can grow all it wants and the weeds can take over.  I am beginning to lose interest in any lawn care or plantings with this weather. 
The few minutes I was out I did pick my first cuke from my bush cucumber that is growing into  a vine instead.   Yes, it's seems like it wants to  be a vine.

found a cuke 

Romaine lettuce is just going crazy in this pot.

One of the 5 moon-flower seeds I planted and they love this weather.
I will let it run on the fence.  The flowers open in the evening and smell so sweet

Tree hydrangea I purchased in 2017 as a root with a little green sprouting has decided it will out grow the pot.  I have already pulled two extra shoots from this and they are growing also.

This is all I could stand to be outside and get a glimpse of today.  Maybe tomorrow.  Beginning to doubt it though.  
Wishing everyone lots and lots of sunshine.

sharing with image- in -ing


The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Betsy, the rain is eluding us! But the mosquitoes have not. We cleaned out all 4 bird baths today as they had mosquito larva in them! I love that you are growing cucumbers in a pot--so neat you have one already. And your romaine looks wonderful. I wish I had done that considering all the scare about the romaine in the groceries. I love moon flowers as they are so lovely climbing on the fence. I hope you will share a blossom or two when they begin to bloom. ♥

krishna said...

The garden is taking beautiful shape.. love it.. I love the little cucumber..

elizabeth said...

The yard work never ends does it?

Pam said...

We had some really HOT days in May, more like summer months. Then we had some cooler days that were great. We have had a lot of rain but the heat is what really gets me. The BLOOD SUCKERS have just started showing off but then I had one get hold of me and I ended up with several bites. Your plants are looking great! The moon flowers are beautiful but can get so out of control. I had one that started growing under the deck and was heading to the door under the crawl space! I had visions of a flower taking over under my home. haha

Betsy said...

you are so right. no end in sight here at my home

Betsy said...

I have grown them in the past and never had any problem with them taking over. They always ran no farther than about 8 feet.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

We have had 7 inches of rain in almost 3 weeks!! And now more is coming!!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!

Betsy said...

Krishna that little cucumber was so good.

Betsy said...

Thank you Martha Ellen. I hope they will be pretty on the fence. I used to grow them in a pot near the boxwood and let them mingle in that. They are so sweet smelling. You can still plant lettuce. I plant it all season and have grown it inside in a sunny window. I am scared of the stuff at the store.
Good to keep the bird baths clear of water, these mosquitoes are just plain awful.

NCSue said...

Cukes already? Wow!
Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/05/check-our-catbirds.html