"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


A rainy day - all day.   I did finish most all  the putting away of Christmas.
Good reason also for taking a break to relax and maybe read while I had a bite.  Poe was one to take in today, I love Poe.  Thank you Jennifer for this and for the wonderful library of his stories in a nice hardbound book.

outside the office window

Instead of actual reading,  I let Vince read some to me today
Vincent Price is one of two that performed on this disc.  Wonderful!

Oh yeah, my snack
thin fried boneless chop with leftover mac n cheese,  few olives and red onions for extra.

Yes, I have tile with poes pic


Cynthia said...

A dramatic reading of Poe's works on a dark and gloomy day with a delicious lunch on the side sounds just about perfect!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I do love Edgar Allen Poe!! It has been rainy and foggy here also making for quite a number of deary days...
Thanks for stopping by!

Lisa said...

Perfect book for a day like this.

krishna said...

I have a complete collection of Edgar Allan poe book.. I love to read those detective stories..

Please visit: http://from-a-girls-mind.blogspot.com

krishna said...

Thank you Betsy..Thanks a lot for informing me the problem in my blog.. I've to look into the matter...

Jeanna said...

A great author although I don't know many who share my enthusiasm. Cool pic and perfect read for these kind of days. I'm hoping for some sunshine to bounce off the snow and ice here. There was a show with an interesting depiction of Poe, I think it was the Witches of East End?

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Me again!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! We had about 2-3 inches of snow today. It was the pretty fluffy kind... Winter won't be over here until the end of March or so....

Maggie said...

Hi there Betsy, Thank you for popping by my blog and I'm sorry you had a problem with following me by email. I have looked into this and it seems that the link was not showing on my blog for some reason. I've relocated it to the top of the right hand side bar. I hope this helps. It's lovely that you wish to follow my blog....thank you! I've never read any Poe books but I have watched several films of his stories....quite scary...the one that springs to mind is The Pit and The Pendulum. Take care. X