"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Monday, November 11, 2013

mountain trip

On our trip to the hotel in Woodstock Va. we passed some trees , mostly maples that are still beautiful as the leaves on most are such a vibrant yellow shade.    Some deep red leaves were still found on some large oaks along the way.

traveling throught the shenandoah national park

farms along the way

Steve said these were the Shenandoah mountains because he thought the Blue Ridge would be on our right as we were traveling there.   They look like a Blue Ridge to me,  but all of them do in the distance.
Our hotel in Woodstock,   a town in Shenandoah County Va.  also the county seat
entrance - like the metal corn sculpture in the pot
The fountain here was bubbling

fireplace open to seating area in lobby and was also breakfast area
very nicely decorated - the birds on the far wall are carved into wood panels

I like this large picture of fruit

like those wooden shapes that look stacked on the lamp post

This area where Steve liked sitting to read was near the exercise and customer business rooms

this is the area at the elevator on our floor
very cozy room with down comforters as you can see on the beds
everything was very clean and fresh

I like this type of farmhouse style type sink,  I guess that is what it's called
I took this picture because I like this shelving over the toilet with towel bar

On our way to  Edinburg, a town in Shenandoah county va.   where we had dinner at an Italian restaurant named Sal's
It was breezy and chilly outside, this coffee tastes every bit as good as it looks
steve had homemade chicken noodle soup for an appetizer
I had a very crisp salad
and spaghetti
Steve had Linguine with peppers, mushrooms and sausage
after dinner ,  we took a short ride to see some of the fine homes here
pretty stone fence with the lacy stone edge at the top

We got up the next day and headed down the road to Quicksburg to buy apples, cider and honey.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful trip... yes, fall colors are almost gone, but you had a good time anyway...

Lynn said...

this is was fun, great trip and love the photos you've shared with us.

Nancy said...

Very pretty hotel. I love the colors in that fruit still life. So mellow. Italian food is one of my favorites. Going out for a drive afterward to view homes is the perfect after dinner treat. Thanks for sharing those stately houses.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Betsy, what a pretty trip. The hotel is beautiful and I love the header picture of all the pumpkins..Thank you for taking us along that beautiful road with you..Happy Tuesday..Judy

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» likes the pumpkins in your masthead photo. Here are some more pumpkins. Re your comment about Mission San Juan Bautista - check back, «Louis» will be posting more of the missions on future InSPIREd Sunday posts.

Louis la Vache said...

BTW...«Louis» was happy to see some of his bovine brethren in the third photo...
If you have any posts that include a bridge, «Louis» hosts "Sunday Bridges" each Sunday and would welcome your contribution.