"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A few flowers

Am having a hard time with blogger posting pictures.   First time this has happened.
Will try now for the third time.
I took these photos of my Hydrangeas that are loaded with blooms this year,  I am guessing they loved all of the rain we had.
 Many colors and hues on this one shrub

 The Provence lavender is growing like crazy too.  Blooms all summer here
wish I knew what this plant was called.    I planted and watered the seed carpet and this is one of the flowers that came up.

 my roses are not very healthy looking as I have not been tending them as I should
 I love this plant,   looks like a bouquet because I have it contained in  a tomato cage

 I believe this one is called a carpet flower
arrangement at the top of stairs.
Thats all until next time.


Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Betsy: Your hydrangeas are so beautiful. Mine are still just green on the plant but are getting bigger. At first, I thought your mystery plant was the same as mine, but then the leaves are different. I'll keep an eye out at the Farmer's Market as there are quite a few gardners there that grow all kinds of flowers.Happy Saturday..Judy

Vera @ Cozy Little Cabin said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! This is the first time I've lived in a place with SHADE and I'm hoping to successfully grow hydrangeas.

Regarding your mystery plant: could it be monarda? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarda

Oh - and I'm so jealous you can grow that lavender. Our Texas temps just melt them!


Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Hi Betsy! Your hydrangeas are just beautiful! All of those colors on one bush is amazing. I noticed my neighbor up the street had a bush just like that. Your other flowers are lovely as well. Take care!

Sigrun said...

Betsy, the plant you look for the name is a Monarda!


janice15 said...

Helo, I just realized that you had a blog...you had became a follower a while back ago...I love all your flowers they look very beautiful to me...great pictures. Your roses look better than mine...for some reason my new rose bush looks horrible...and has some rust on the leaves...not good...wishing you a great day...with love Janice

Donna said...

Betsy, your flowers are just beautiful! I planted a hydrangea bush about 3-4 years ago and it's yet to produce one single bloom! I'm drooling over yours!... Donna

The Rustic Victorian said...

Hi Betsy!
What a nice blog you have, the hydrangea's are spectacular, such colors! Thank you for your emails and comments.
God Bless!
Love the magnolia leaf wreath!

Shwetablog said...
