"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Monday, November 29, 2010

Some Thanksgiving hi lites and my Christmas blog also updated.

Had a wonderful meal at my brother and sister in laws home.  It was also a celebration of my grand nieces b'day and my moms b'day.
Moms day was the 23rd , we took her out to lunch but had some gifts and a cake for both.
I made potato salad and a wheat, gluten , egg and milk free cake for my niece ,  it was four layers.  I used rice milk and crisco and vegetable margarine.  In place of eggs, I used apple sauce and mixed with it cornstarch and a little tapioca starch, it turns the color of egg and holds the cakes together just fine.

On left is redskin potatoes, I mixed in vinegar, olives onion , celery and hummus.  Tasted pretty good and for someone who cannot have the mayonaise, this worked out just fine.
My secret ingredient for the mayo potato salad is horseradish- I love that stuff and besides the vinegae, it gives the salad pizazz

 Jessica is my grande niece

 Below is the new little baby Eli,  he slept the whole time and my grande grande nephew, whew - I feel old.

Mom opening a present

Mom holding her gr gr grandson,  how lucky to have a picture like this for Eli

Kendall the b'day girl and great grandaughter

Yummmm foooood

Look at the little smile - so sweet
a little doll baby

Many Blessings was had under one roof
Nice Thanksgiving.
I did miss being with my daughter Annette and speaking with her and my grandson Seth
She is in Tenn.  and I am sure busy with her husbands family and friends, hopefully next year.
My son also couldn't make it.  He had other plans with his fiance.   

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Great photo's! LOVE the one of great great grandma and baby :) That will be a priceless photo one day.